Glad to hear Pepper's doing OK, Dave.
As it turns out, Pepper has had a stroke. He's walking in circles, and seems to be off balance, but he seems to be able to find his way to his food and water bowls, and into his dog house, which is outside, but out of the sun.
The worst part was that when he first returned from the vet he seemed to not recognize us; he was not unfriendly, but did not much respond to our neck-rubbing and talking, but today he seems to be coming around. I think I even saw his tail wagging a bit when we took out the little white dog, Pippin. Most dogs make substantial recoveries from strokes. No one knows for sure, but one widely held theory is that their brain is mostly given to instinctual rather than learned behaviors, and is somehow better able to rewire itself than humans.
I will keep you posted. We're hoping he will have a good quality of life in his declining years. He certainly won't lack for love and attention. Carol especially appreciates your warm wishes.
Here's another thing I really hate; Julie from Cincinnati's trip, which started out with a shared dinner with Mr and Mrs DfK, was an unmitigated disaster. I am deeply sorry that she will associate my town forever with sickness (both to her and the third or fourth greatest dog I have ever met) and devastating automobile repair bills. It saddens me to say it, but visit Knoxville at your own peril! Anybody get me Patton's cell phone number yet?